Perfumes are scent buffs implemented to help users take control of their naughty nymphs on both the home map and in levels.

Each buff has a type, activity time, level and they can be purchased in-store or received from pods, after playing maps.
All perfumes are counted in real-time, and once activated an icon and a timer will pop on your screen.

There are 6 kinds of scents:
  • Speed - Nymphs fly faster
  • Work - Nymphs work, harvest and build faster
  • Order - Nymph stacks an item close to similar items. If there are no such items, nymphs stack an item next to different items that have the same type. If there are no such items, Nymphs lefts her item on the closest free field.
  • Idle - Pauses all nymph activity.
  • Focus - Nymphs have shorter breaks between tasks
  • Luck - Nymphs have higher chances to get rare items in chests (items such as gargoyles have a higher chance to).
If you turn on the scent at Home, you can use it only at Home. It won’t affect other levels. If you activate it on some level only, it won’t affect your Home or event map. NOTE: even if you leave the place where it’s activated, its time is going by.

Scents can affect each other. If you activate "buff idle" and "buff focus" in the same time, your Nymphs won’t do any action without your order. While completing tasks you can observe they change their place of rest more frequently.