In King of Kinks, each girl is associated with one faction.
The system is similar to a rock-paper-scissors mechanic, with an additional element.

Fighting against a different faction can have 3 potential outcomes:
- If your hero has advantage against that faction, she will deal bonus damage;
- If your hero has disadvantage against the enemy faction, she will receive bonus damage;
- If she has neither advantage or disadvantage, she will deal and receive normal damage;

There are 4 factions in King of Kinks, each with it's own advantages and disadvantages;

1. The Tribe, which has faction advantage against the Kingdom of Clouds and faction disadvantage against the Western Alliance;

2. The Penglai Island, which has faction advantage against the Western Alliance and faction disadvantage against the Kingdom of Clouds;

3. The Western Alliance, which has faction advantage against the Tribe and faction disadvantage against the Penglai Island;

4. The Kingdom of Clouds, which has faction advantage against the Penglai Island and faction disadvantage against the Tribe;

For example, if your team consists of 5 Tribe heroes, your team will be more efficient against Kingdom of Clouds heroes, but less efficient against Western Alliance heroes. For that reason, it is recommended that you level up heroes from multiple factions, in order to have multiple options when it comes to a specific battle.