Here you can see a list of the icons displayed on the top side of the Main Menu, presented below.

1. The Quick Rewards Icon - every 10 minutes you can claim the displayed reward by tapping on it after the timer hits 00:00.

2. The Event Icon, where you can see a list of active events.

3. The Deal Icon, where you can access the available deals:

  • The monthly card, which is a high value offer that will reward you with daily gems.

  • The special deals, which will display daily, weekly and monthly high value deals, as well as the gem store where you can purchase gems for N-gold.

  • The Growth Fund, which is a battlepass-like system that allows you to claim rewards based on the main story progression.
NOTE: The Growth Fund is available for only 14 days after you start playing.

  • The Secret Mandate, where you can collect rewards based on the daily and weekly quests you have completed.

4. TheEvents icons, which are quick access icons for events that are currently ongoing.

5. The Profile tab, where you can see your player information

6. The Currency Tab, where you can claim your free daily coins, purchase additional coins for gems.

  • A quick access option for the gem store can also be found on the currency tab.