Menus & Buttons
Main Menu Screen
Your career as a movie director starts now! On the main screen, you have quick access to all the stuff you need to be successful. Here is a...
The Profile Button
On the Profile window, you can view the following info:1. Your player (Studio) level 2. Your in-game Name3. Your current XP and how much you...
The News Button
On the News window, you will be able to see the Weekly and Daily Specials (and the remaining time ), as well as all the Patch Notes.
The Options Button
On the Options window, you have the possibility to switch SFX/MUSIC on/off or slide the volume up/down. There are also 5 buttons that give y...
The Star Button
The Star window gives you access to the level of the selected Star, her biography, and her Powers:1. The name of the Star, her current Level...
The Clothes Button
On the Clothes window, you have the possibility to undress the Stars or to pick a random outfit for her (using the Surprise button).You can ...
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