Heroes & Moetans
How to level up Heroes?
Heroes can be leveled up in the Heroes menu, by spending Gold gained from defeating monsters. They can be leveled up in batches of either 10...
How do Hero badges work?
A full Hero badge, which consists of two halves, will unlock an additional 500 levels for the respective Hero. Any additional halves you rec...
How can I get Moetan Tokens?
Moetan Tokens are selectively available in the Tokens (orange) tab of the Shop. You can purchase Moetan Tokens for either 1500 gems or 50 Mo...
What is CP and how can I get it?
CP stands for Climax Points, which are used to feel-up the Moetans. You will gain 4 CP after beating the bosses on every 10th stage. The che...
CP Container capacity
The CP container holds approx. 200 CP. Currently, there is no way to increase the CP cap of the container.
What is Reborn?
Reborn is a fundamental concept of the game. It's necessary to do it if you want to gain Moe Crystals (which are used to purchase and upgrad...
What do I lose when using Reborn?
When using Reborn, Avatar Level, Avatar Skills, Heroes and Hero Levels will be reset, and will need to be unlocked and leveled up again. Gol...
When should I use Reborn?
If it takes more than 5 seconds to kill a boss, this means you've hit a wall and you're not strong enough to break it. When that happens, us...
What are Climax Bonuses?
The horizontal bar underneath the Moetan's name is the Climax Bar. When that bar is filled up, you can activate the Climax Bonus. This is a ...
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